
Showing posts from March, 2020


I scream with all my lungs and with all my other lives related to everything I am as a mom, woman, and wife, daughter, sister, and relative, colleague, teammate, friend, wanted, imposed, and loved; in invincible dreams entitled Healer, Fighter, Lover, or Hero and not a stork kind, seeped, created, or based in mysticism and not on scientific visions, - Stay Home! Home is our Weapon! Make yourself Unseen like that thing unseen, the COVID-19 which plucked our life.


i get open like a bud of a flower i smile playfully like is its petals i have no fixed rules like a robot sum my flaws, i'm not a mannequin i love… (you…), a love bred in a dream no matter if it's a.m./p.m. hour, i'm in… look in my soul, there's my refuge

alter ego

you'll never be to me a stranger, but the friend with an alter ego, prompt always to cheer me up, to make any joy of mine bigger, and any trouble of mine smaller, you, a foreign friend I never met

la rencontre

dreamfully, — a blue butterfly, bathed in the sun's rays and spoiled with moon's kisses, has been lured into my vase through a sensual bouquet, guarded elegantly by some future collections from yesterday's present and demagogy, when love loved to start the fire, explosively, and not just to track my flair during the sea's susurrations, at any on and off la rencontre


through a unidirectional portal, couched on the cardinal climax of the musical notes, ♫, intense kissed on the whispers' bridge, your delights follow my delights the atmosphere's so passionate; it looks like a clef on a staff 🎼 extrapolating thru a cloud's fluff, tinier than Atlantic's dimensions but a bit bigger than shored lisps