
Showing posts with the label William-Fitzsimmons-𝄞

I surrender

as I did it before, but not knowingly, in your love, I surrender over again; the stars' nectary are your words and diaphane touch, your perfume; infinite miracles recite your soul and fruity passion, your dreams' sap; veils of melodies are your chic smile ripened in my thrills, night and day; a wondered vibe is your good night, and bubbly wine, your mornin' gaze; your love, held me, holds me and will still hold me, between your lips; now hug me, kiss me, take me home; home is you, in my dreams, sure thing;

liquid nights

your thought never knocks at the door of my dreams... simply gets in, [straight from the night's road famished of me], — naked undressed, — your shadow models me with temptations oxygenating me in the arrangements of liquid nights... — multiplied our perfume, — [the embers of love], increase our temperature... you devour me... I devour you... you breathe me... I breathe you... untamed from google's navel to specter's navel, we're fairy tales  hypnotized in someone's song out of another one's song, — dancing on the sun

no promises

he takes down all my jewels, — slowly the breath of his soft lips, — surrounds my neck, chains of beads, gems of thrills, orgasmic pearls, — his kisses he rocks and rolls my demons, — humanizing them in his arms love take over me with no promises just explosively all his love, — my best outfit... he's mine, — I'm expensive


Again, I woke up in my mind with you and your petite face, having the stench of a defendant with some uncertain sense. Again, with your pensive eyes, you gaze at me and manage, the whispers from your paradise as me to be transformed. Again, you've sniffed me and put me right to sleep, invoking what I wanna hear, me to be yours, profoundly and attentive. Simply like that, again, I am under your spell, an amateur, an incident, a song in all and any, or saboteur of a free soul. Again, so innocent, you morphed slightly in my thoughts, a symbiote who dips in me... perturbing (all my dreams...), (my judgment and my feelings), (desire… sex… and love...).