
Showing posts with the label Train-𝄞


— Have you decided on the menu, alien darling? ⋯ I have the algorithm of certain timeless stars cocooned in warm and velvety sensations of a careless whisper in an unedited garnish, anointed with words' flavors, spiced smoochy in writing's realm, dipped through each slice of a memory dated by you, me, and deep one


it's just you, — as if you're the only option... your soul is caught in the settings of my dreams... my gallery's full of you, — natively sweetly brute... it's just you, — my deep lust… my (bonjour…) all is memorized in messages with petite phrases... all conspire thru fragile whims and skills... (at any call...) (j'imagine l'amour avec toi)