
Showing posts with the label Johnny-Stimson-𝄞


my blue night has the disorder's smell and the perverse silence even when the voices are heard in metaphoric algorithms… — [and that’s so frenglishly cynical…] lucky me because I’m beauty’s miracle, — a performer even in the sun even in the shadow attracting butterflies and Kolibri transcending above any fears, making darkness charming fire with any of my joys… emanated


I feel as if my eyes have kneeled down all your demons, while my lips metamorphosed them into divine effigies ruling and making your soul be a servant of my wishes for I've let your mouth nourish with my cute Darkside for all monsters, those zombies that wear beauty's mask to suffer fully, terrified by the boom-boom of your pulse. I feel as if my eyes have kneeled down all your demons. Now, your royal creature comforts me from all directions with your soul, — a fireplace with hotly and spicy sound of the sandalwood and cèdre through books' rustle, while their foliage, the lifeblood of a tasty lachrymose wine is revived in coffee beans, for nobody to feel silly with it.

flower... [we are...] [an infinite playlist]

[we are...] words hugged in a soft tenderly sound of the calmness of an extraterrestrial blue with the perfume of an unheard flower acting in the color of a rosaline smile contaminated by love and mutilated in the garden of your dreams and mine, where it began, where it all begins, daily, for repeating the most powerful sentence articulated with eight letters of the alphabet constructed patiently by you in me, to feel you in my atom and molecule, — [an infinite playlist]

so. good.

When I'm running  through the dreams of yours,  they're cuddling me...  and dressing me up in the paintings of your thoughts. When I'm running  through the dreams of yours, I rest myself... I even allow myself to take some drops of them using the sound of your illustrations. When I'm running  through the dreams of yours, are those other moments which makes me turn to you again to gimme paths to other corridors so good for re-energizing myself

till the end of time, uh```¿?

in a way known only by me and you, uh, we're going to love each other until the end of the time, and then, forever after, we'll build another realm identical with your soul and mine