
Showing posts from September, 2020


body temperature gets high, —  (he knows how to hold me there) 𓇼 in me, I'm screaming for pleasure, —  (he knows what to whisper to me) 𓇼 generated like a systolic murmur, — (I'm deep inside his nerves) 𓇼 viaduct of love exhausts his body, — (never anonymous, never overuse)

golden touch

fractal moments fractal dreams fractal emotions paint the tableau tender connected at words, colors, sounds, essences of my everyday to offer at least a petite fragment composed, from the universe I am the bioinspiration asterisked to you with golden touch

time capsule

into their playground love's atmosphere, she's abandoned herself unreservedly, (her sensuality spills passion) 𓇼 imprints of his lips shine on her smile while his lungs, lustily, scan her Venus, (anointed in her absolute) 𓇼 beauty wears the name of his climax… cryptic touches, delights, and suspires, — (a bohème time capsule into the wild)


your dream follow smoothly my perfume and like a Nahema rose it climbs on the shoulder of the Andromeda Galaxy 𓇼 everywhere is sensed a mystic fragrance  united with the spectrum of a beastly wedding amongst seraphic blue and tamed green… 𓇼 is something hotly-balsamic, angelic, honey-like, is something loved and innocently envied, something that springs to stay in a sanctuary, — 𓇼 is the finest myth in all mythological mythology, is the ambergris, chassis, musk, and immortelle, is the bohème silhouette of yours within mine

so nice to meet you

each word of my eyes, he sips them smoothly with the mouth of his soul then stirs them with a tasty memory well guarded with smiles of his lungs while tenderness rains with love's elixir and everything that our bodies mean fulfilling lust with so nice to meet you, and stamping it with a demented kiss


her perfume in his thought is, — an (art exhibition), — sweet nectar fabricated in constellation's laboratory his perfume in her thought, — (midnight desire), — entwined gently to feel him vulnerable in her hands but when (midnight's desire) penetrates (art exhibition), their universe pours love any thought & act of god and devil's, are equally (ooh-aah), as their bodies experience the astral journey

love it

(again... smoothly, he flirted with her, —) why would I want to be today ... a paintbrush ...(‽) milady ... 𓇼 [and again...], (she butterflied... to him, —) perhaps your feelings want to interpolate with mine for inserting your technique and poetic colors [ to portray me ...(‽) as you love it ...🫦] 𓇼 [at his turn...], (he smiled and acted, —) [ pink peony are your lips ], [ purple sky and beige of the universe is your wavy hair ], [ the reality is blue like your eyes ], [ and your body perfume ...], well , — it will depend on the view of the watcher ...


he doesn't touch me, he comforts me he doesn't heat me up, he turns me into honey in his hive he's slipping with the rhythm of my trance scented charmingly with his passion vines' collections inside him, i make blossom the whimsical hypotheses anointed with my essential myrrh he whistles with happiness… i'm the sculptor of his time marbling under his eyelids the tenderest trouble

in my mind

I saw him in the distance, (he also glanced at me) lucidly, we were heading one towards the other (willy-nilly), suddenly, we bumped into each other (without any approval), our thoughts got in touch, both whistling in unison, — [i·want·you·to·want·me] (in a wild manner you've been in my mind…) (centered on your being, I yearned for you already)


the whispers' rustling of my carefree thoughts, it echoes through the channels of your mind 𓇼 the writings of my kisses are navigating on the river of wild daisies under a midnight 𓇼 far and wide, dreamy, bright even stormy, you're perfumed with me... your DNA bears me 𓇼 by my side, you feel a mesmerizing adrenaline; you — on drama//city realm, me — on comic side


my blood is like a flood of honey where he, with longing, takes a swim, lustfully, until wolf down my elixir 𓇼 those waggish twins monsters, seductive poetized by his tongue's tip, reveal my oh-so-pleasing refrains 𓇼 my body, chiming the atmosphere, elucidates his heartbeats' contour, — driving him crazy makes me happy 𓇼 compressed in the walls' intimacy, my being in his sighs oxygenated feels, burgeons miraculously in time's spell


while he gets in my room he's untying his tie, letting it flow negligent and slippy, exactly like some meldrops of a bizarre summer's rain • the closer he gets to me he unbuttons his shirt letting me see… on and on his perfect body disposed 24/7 to love me and kiss me • even if I'm not religious, — inevitably, deeply, endlessly, he takes me up to heaven making me his sunshine to bloom fully [just for him]

no harm

if would be as his soul want, I should never cry or be sad, I should never have any pain if would be as his soul want, I should be happy perpetually defined only by joy and love if would be as his soul want, nothing evil should approach by me as I'm shielded by him if would be as his soul want thru his method of loving me you'd understand me better why I can do to nobody no harm

happiness is a butterfly

through all your constellations, i will bring down to your fields the entire energy of my galaxy; shy, our approving eye contact and truth, are going to get seen, heard and felt in all their beauty; you'll tread in my goblins' herd where fairies sing, waltz, note, and ponies hold frisky names; happy together, we will whistle and we'll become dreams' keepers cos happiness is a butterfly-like


the truest truth of the true, it is a challenge just to costume your truth with my truths my truths have sound, color, shape, aroma with symmetric and asymmetric encryption it's seeable only by those that are tempted to look for the true substance of a woman a woman perceived in her true blue as I am with all scented notes emanating from me

driving thru the night

his thought has not some stable hour; whenever wants, gets inside her soul, crawling like a biblio—kleptomaniac, going down tactfully to her bungalow, built charming, inspiring, and luring, with dreams driving through the night [a night filled with authentic passion] up, in her dream, feels his lips slipping slyly, leveling off on her neck and body, soothingly, getting down, down, down, while his hands, finely, knead her hips, as his body is pressing hers, delicately, making her want...want, yet he dilutes [her need to make pee, wakened her up]

strawberry love

it's late at night… I'm reading your words written with the ink of your molecules 𓇼 they exude, ⟮drop by drop⟯, love, hope and joy; ⟮that exciting motley DNA of yours⟯ 𓇼 a few minutes just have flown, — I smile... ⟮don't you feel our situationship as a gift?⟯ 𓇼 with you is spring, is birds' chirp in May, is strawberry love and scent you breathe 𓇼 with me… is the obsession's atmosphere; it's ⟮mine in yours…⟯, it's ⟮yours in mine…⟯


you know what my stars do... — when I sleep, they gaze at me; too distracted, they always forget  I can see 'em watching my dreams; they even gave me a name, — for them, I am their supergirl… I think they consider me their star… perhaps as them, phosphorescent, I'm mirroring in their dreams

the big dream

by instinct and tempted, i authorized the nights to gently caress your lips with the tenderest kisses while you wait for me ⋯ while you wait for me with your mind kneeled, with your soul shivering, with your lungs howling, with your longing begging ⋯ with your longing begging frankly, gutsy, intimately to love me... to love you chicly, deeply, uniquely, on the big dream's screen


i wrote a word… — (a substantive...), and i placed it on a side of your soul; i wrote another one, — (indispensable), and i placed it on a side of your eyes; i wrote the words, — (a snazzy name), but got translated, — have a good life; i wrote the words, — (smoke's specter); was placed on one of my essence's sides; i wrote the words, — (cigarette butts...), and were placed on your feelings' side; i wrote simply, — (unroll those words...), and you took a new cigar and smoked it; and metamorphosed yourself in my poem, crayoned subtle by my habituated longings [exactly as your songs reign inside me]

too much alike

(very bonhomme, flirting smoothly, he asked her, —) milady... why would I want to be today... a violin...(؟?) (and she butterflied... to him... a tender answer, —) maybe you'd like to be caressed, by someone... (in a similar manner) (a person couldn't abstain himself and, smiling, said, —) both of you bring joy, you're too much alike... i love it…

a quiet way

a petite pungency of happiness it coalesces our spirit in a quiet way communication doesn't need words but rather be pauciloquent the flashbacks of all your smiles are kissing me… are hugging me… my essence breathe to you, I Love You through the lustrous memories of mine

wild dog

we spent just a few words... the moment has felt like a sneeze of a wild dog running 𓇼 we spent just a few words... their bouquet has felt like lavender's honey created in thousands of hours 𓇼 we spent just a few words...