tell me something beautiful, she said, — (∂ + m) ψ

digital-art-gif created by (me), © coco 💜🪻😉

tell me something beautiful, she said,
and he responded… — (∂ + m) ψ
«In science, you want to say something nobody knew before
in words that everyone can understand.
In poetry, you're bound to say something everybody knows already
in words that nobody can understand»
(∂ + m) ψ 
« If two systems interact with each other for a certain period of time and 
then get separated, this can no longer be described as two separate systems.
Somehow they become a single system. In other words, what happens to one of them
continues to have impacts on the other. They're influenced by each other instantly,
no matter how far apart they are... distant miles or light-years.»

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