
Showing posts from June, 2024

bad episode

  kitchen seems smaller for both of them to use it, — nerves pollute the air … this bad episode caused tough gazes between them, like a wordless song ⋯ the context wasn't rude, but wasn't pleasant... (neither fun); as it came... has gone

i'll come running

i bloom with the dawns when i don't spend time with night, (engaged in my dreams) ⋯ on dreams' lips i am the touch you long for, (best thrill), if i'll come running ⋯ love's strength get us drunk, but so do the dreams and hopes trapped in our souls' whirls ⋯ we live time as it's, — (without past and future), just lust for each other ⋯ moaned the day and night, intertwined since forever through their present time